The village of Seillans
Discover the village of Seillans, one of the 9 hilltop villages of the Pays de Fayence !

Seillans, one of the most beautiful villages in France
The village offers its terraced houses and the harmony formed by the landscape and the stone. When you enter, the village offers you the labyrinth of its flowered alleys, its vaulted passages and its cobbled floors.
Seillans, a medieval village
There are many testimonies of the medieval period in Seillans: Saracen gate, feudal castle, cobbled streets, 12th century chapel, 11th century church... Seillans is one of the villages of the Pays de Fayence which has the richest historical heritage.
From the Celto-ligures to the French Revolution, Seillans has suffered many influences that you will discover through some guided tours of the village (guided tour and map available from the tourist office).
Walks to do
Discover the different hikes starting from the village of Seillans. Be careful with your equipment (closed shoes, hat/cap and bottles of water)
and remember to respect the environment which is weakened by fires in summer.
The bories of Seillans
Discover as a family an amazing example of the architectural genius of Provençal shepherds: the bories.
DiscoverThe Pigne
This one-day hike takes you to the heights of La Pigne, where you can enjoy wide views of the Fayence plain, the Esterel, Maures and Mer massifs.
DiscoverThe lake of Méaulx
Between the Maures massif and the forests of Fayence, Seillans, and Saint-Paul-en-Forêt, this lake, supplied by the Riou de Méaulx, offers a bucolic landscape very appreciated by fishermen.
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