De l’eau comme du ciel, on dit qu’ils sont d’Azur.
Laissez-vous envoûter par les plages de rêve de la Méditerranée, la ville de Fréjus, ses 2 000 ans d’histoire et ses marchés provençaux gourmands.
Passez du bleu au vert en parcourant, à pied ou à vélo, le massif de l’Estérel aux parfums de thym, de lavande et de ciste. Les vacances ne font que commencer…
Further information
- Accepted animals
- Type of customers : Groups
- Capacity : 60 Rooms
- Comfort : No-smokingHeatingBaby equipment140 cm bedShowerShared washing machineMini-barHair dryerTelevisionBaby bedBaby chairFamily bedroomBaby bathBed 80 cm
- Services : Pets welcomeRoom hireFull-boardBreakfastLaundryPets supplementShopWi-fiTourist routesClub for teenagersClub for childrenHalf-boardTourist brochuresRestaurantRestaurant for clients onlyFree WiFi accessStroller-accessible
- Equipments : Play areaSports hallGarden roomTV roomSaunaBarTerraceBook shopPoolBoules areaLaunderetteJacuzzi®Car parkDefibrillatorSustainable developmentFitness centreGardenParkSwimming poolRestaurantEntertainments roomGames roomMeeting roomCoach parkingPrivate parkingShared swimming poolOpen air swimming poolBabyfootPing pong tableCovered terraceShady terraceFree car parkLoan of games
- Environments : Close to a motorwayTown outskirts30 - 40 min walk from train stationCycle track/route within 500 mClose to a trunk road10 - 20 min from a train station by bikeClose to a public transportationBus stop < 500 mLess than 10 minutes from a train station by car
- Activities : ActivityBoulesTable tennisBall sportsVarious sports
- Number of meeting rooms : 3
- Meeting rooms equipment : Video projectorPaper boardScreenMicrophoneDance floorWifi in roomStageTableChairSpeaker pulpitOffice suppliesIT equipmentPhotocopierStageCloakroom