Culture in open air in Fréjus during summer
In Fréjus, summer means art and freedom! Enjoy with your family the joys of film, music and theatre with your head in the stars.
A summer of art and heritage!
What could be better than discovering the heritage sites of Fréjus this summer while having fun? This summer 33 dates complete this calendar of artistic events with exhibitions at the Villa Aurélienne, music, jazz and theatre in the Parc Aurélien and open-air cinema at the Théâtre romain (roman theatre). From Tuesday the 18th of June to Wednesday the 28th of August, the program certainly hides some little gems that you and your little ones will like!
Music in open air : let’s meet at the Villa Aurélienne
For the second consecutive year, the Ad Libitum orchestra is offering 4 evenings of contemporary and classical music in the Aurélien park. For adults Mozart, Fauré, Vivaldi, Offenbach or Daft Punk will relax you, each in their own way… Of course, there is something for all tastes and for all ages because some evenings will be dedicated to the youngest audience with music concerts from Disney movies (you too can already hear the “Let it go, let it go” of your little blond heads humming all evening long?).
The price is 5€ for adults with free admission for those under 18 years old (ticket office on site).
Programme :
Tuesday the 18th of June : “jeux interieurs”
Wednesday the 26th of June : “A rebours”
Wednesday the 3rd of July : “Gaieté de choeur” with the choir Esterelanco
Friday the 5th of July : “Hakuna Matata” for children and teenagers.
Open-air cinema at the Roman theatre
Don’t you think that hot summer nights are not the right time to watch a little movie locked in a cinema? We have the solution! Let yourself be tempted by a small open-air family session in the arenas of Fréjus, between heritage, 7th art and let go!
A programme of 15 movies for the whole family will punctuate the city’s evenings, with comedies, cartoons, action movies but also this year 3 cinema concerts with Bohemian Rhapsody, “Les 4 saisons d’Espigoule” in homage to his 20th birthday but also a preview showing in France “Yesterday”, Danny Boyle’s film about the Beatles.
The price is 5€ for film show and 10€ for cine-concerts (ticket office on site).
Programme :
In June at 9pm :
- Saturday the 29th of June : Cine-Concert “Les 4 saisons d’Espigoule” (single rate 10€, in the presence of the filmmaker)
- Sunday the 30th of June :Cine-Concert “Yesterday”, a preview showing (single rate 10€).
In July at 9:45pm :
- Tuesday the 2nd of July : Toy Story 4
- Thursday the 4th of July : Spiderman Homecoming
- Saturday the 27th of July : The Lion King (2019)
In August at 9:30 pm :
- Sunday the 4th of August : The Secret Life of Pets 2
- Wednesday the 7th of August : The Lion King (2019)
- Friday the 9th of August : Ibiza
- Monday the 12th of August : Fast and Furious Hobbs ans Shaw
- Wednesday the 14th of August : Cine-concert “Bohemian Rhapsody” (single rate 10€, at 9pm)
- Monday the 19th of August : The Secret Life of Pets 2
- Wednesday the 21st of August : The Lion King (2019)
- Friday the 23rd of August : Dora and the Lost City of Gold
- Monday the 26th of August : Once upon a time… In Hollywood (a movie from Quentin Tarantino)
- Wednesday the 28 of August : C’est quoi cette mamie ?
Monumentals Sculptures

From August 23rd to October 13th, the french artist Nicolas Laverenne‘s work is exposed to Port Fréjus and submitted by the Jas de La Rimade art gallery. The bronzes sculptures fills this place in an interesting balancing game ! Walk along this amazing route of art wich as been acclaimed by international critics.